intuition, channeling, dreams, and so much more. Remember who you REALLY are. Powerful beyond measure. |
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Wild Weather. There will be attempted assassinations around the world along with the rising of groups and cults. The permeating vibrations will carry with them a deeply penetrating Spiritual Renaissance. Old foundations in your life will be pulled apart. Everything is aligning with our Spiritual evolutionary process. All is perfect, right where it needs to be for this phase of our infinite expansion. Strap on your seat belts, it's going to be a rocky ride, challenging and rewarding for those who discern what's real and what is illusion. |
of young politicians as they fulfill their mission, which is to treat everyone equally. They don’t condone sexism or racism, they care about friendship and activism and we’ll be amazed at how quickly they move. There will be huge changes to the global economy. Years to come will be times of greater innovation and invention than we’ve ever seen. Finally, we get the Earth coming together! Men becoming happier, more whole human beings with a new meaning of masculinity. We are becoming natural healers. We’re in the middle of a long cycle of creative change. It’s a complete and total revolution, not a reset, it’s a replacement. Everything will change! Focus on using this cosmic shift to create. Be anything you want, do what you want to do. Live out loud. Be in the now of your own dreams. Make yourself the star of your own feature film. Love yourself and who you are even more!!! Make YOUR reality the only reality. That's how to stay healthy and happy. |
CREATING A NEW PLANET IN THE COMING YEARS In the reality of our true soul's vibration, what we are creating is a new planet. The world as we know it will speed up as vibrations change quickly becoming lighter and lighter...progressing out of density.
selves as creators, there will be less and less of the older, denser vibrations,thoughts and ideas to hold onto. We are becoming natural healers. Simply and easily manifesting our desires,bringing unconditional love to everyone we come in contact with, just by projecting our intentions. |
More Predictions and Intuitive Insights Our facebook page Dr. Jeff's Website To make an appointment with Judi |
Always let your heart, the real brain, decide what stays and what goes. Trust the direction that your heart takes. Answers are instant! |